Movie Mood: Dance Flick

Teh fat boy is skilled foreal, this one changed my mood for the entire day :))))

Abstract Shapes - Memoirs

Someone said that memory is the evil root of man's troubles, but in the same time we are born with a pale illusion that we can forget, yet again this fades away in time bound to remember.

Movie Mood: Mahatma Gandhi (1982)

There is no bullet to match the shield of Truth.

Movie Mood: Prison Break - Final Break

Well there is not much to say about this one, so yea if you've been watching Prison Break from the beggining then you'll have to watch this one too :)

Movie Mood: Watching Terminator Salvation

Well if you're into Terminator series much you might wanna watch this one too, imho this is another epic fail after Star Trek, even Van Damme's Cyborg was better then this one... just a bunch of SFX and that's about it.

Funny - Crazy Romanian Driver

Deci ma doare burta zau :)))))))))))))))
l am vazut de vreo 10 ori si tot e funny :))) he has skills :D


Stim ca timpul destrama tot. Obiecte, fiinte, idei, materie, energie... totul se naruie si moare. In ce bucla a timpului ma aflu? de ce in loc sa uit totul revine ca pe un fel de spirala inchisa? Este ironic sa resimt aceeasi moarte mereu si mereu. Iubirea uneori otraveste. Sau poate ca ea este otrava si timpul este antidotul? Numai ca acum si timpul si iubirea sunt pe rand otrava si antidot. Droguri pe care le acceptam cu zambetul pe buze si cu rani deschise in inima. Am inceput sa cautam atat de mult adevaruri incat nu vedem in jurul nostru decat minciuni. Adevarul insusi e o minciuna. Otrava e o minciuna. Si atunci minciuna ce este? Oricat am incerca nu putem sa definim nici timpul si nici iubirea. Si atunci ne ramane doar gustul dulce al otravii pe care o ingeram cu lingurita dint timp in timp. Oricum, chiar daca imi arati fotografii ca acele carti de joc cu doua fete identice, la finalul jocului sunt sigura ca nu voi renunta la lingurita mea de otrava... chiar si dincolo de joc, la sfarsitul timpului, otrava asta va persista. La fel si iubirea.

Music Mood - Misspelled Feelings

Am ales sa fiu mut, doar ca sa-ti iubesc amintirea, te rog sa-mi ierti soaptele, erau sacrificiul unui alt viciu, cu un simplu zambet te-am lasat sa zbori in felul tau, pentru ca te-am chinuit prea mult alergand dupa vise, normal ca meriti mult mai mult decat o cupa goala si amara de viata virtuala.

Movie Mood: Watching Star Trek

Even tho i'm not a big fan i don't have anything else to do now so i haveta watch Star Trek :))) hopefully will not be a waste of time

Funny - Facebook Manners & You

I can't say much about the subject since i have almost 4K of people on my friendlist, but yes i do have a few on my list whom did or are doing some of those things, but ya noe i can't blame anyone nor quote them ;) you know who you are and that's about it :D
this viral just made my day :))
ps; i'm so proud of you now :)))

Seven Signs of the Apocalypse

Yet another touchy & scary "what if" documentary.

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